Codeigniter Devlopment

Codeigniter is an open-source software rapid development webframework, useful in building dynamic web sites with PHP. It is anagile and simple php framework that is sugared with simplicity,offering impeccable performance.

By knowing the frameworks, PC Rounders can help identify whatis the best choice for your business. It does not matter what PHPversion you are using, you can use Codeigniter. It is an easyplatform that does have its own complexities. For long termprojects, Codeigniter will save you time and money. If there arerestrictions in the hosting server, then Codeigniter is the bestchoice for your project. It is very easy to migrate projects overto the newer versions of the platform, which makes it perfect tokeep up with application updates and enhancements.

Features of Codeigniter

This is the widely accepted MVCframework. It allows great separation as it is powerful enablingpresentation and logic making for developers and designers lifeeasier.

Codeigniteroffers zero configurations in comparison to other php frameworks.Codeigniter is an opulent set of libraries providing logicalstructure and simple interface to access libraries to fulfilcommon tasks.

Codeigniter has no codingrules; thus, it assures excellent performance for yourapplication. The core system makes use of small libraries and theadditional libraries are dynamically loaded based on therequirement of the developer. It helps keep your application fastand efficient.

Manywebsites now use Codeigniter’s compatibility to their benefit andit is the reason for broad acceptance of the framework. Anydeveloper can build easily over an application and extend itaccordingly when using this platform.

Why us?

Choosing PC Rounders for Codeigniter services is idealbecause we can transform your ideas. Our developers are efficient,and our experienced techs are good at delivering custom solutionsthat meet your expectations. We put efforts in developing scalableand reliable web applications. We develop database driven webapplications and our experts help to improve the performance of DBserver with different techniques in database optimization.

Web portal development is our forte and our developers willensure your online presence is one to replicate. With customizedweb portals and app designs, you will be recognized globally foryour technology elegance. We develop, design, and deploy solutionsrequired for online growth.

We provide web applications integration services andphenomenal customer service. We offer support and maintenance 24hours a day and 7 days a week for Codeigniter existing webapplications. We will help you choose the best framework that fitsyour needs. There are so many options to choose from and it can beconfusing when you are working on your own. However, when you hirePC Rounders you can expect that decision to be an easy one once weknow the scope of your project.

Our developers work on projects of various sizes, magnitudesand complexities with the intent to deliver scalable, highperformance, and robust apps of Codeigniter frameworks. We thriveon turning your dreams into reality and out doing ourselves withevery project that we complete.

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